- 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
- Posted by: admin4obs
- Categories: Erasmus+ Projects, Άρθρα, Εταιρικά Νέα, Χωρίς κατηγορία
STONE Erasmus+ Project Kick off Meeting was held virtually on 24th of November in the framework of the KA2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education.
During the Kick off Meeting Intellectual Outputs and objectives of the project were analysed focusing on the new key competences for Lifelong learning (May, 2018) in combination with the conclusions of the European Commission about Early School Leavers.
The focus of the project aimed to define and validate innovative models, approaches and tools supporting personalized, active and engaging adult learners’ personal development processes, based on self-awareness, reflective and participate based learning models, preventing ESL and NEET phenomena, contemporaneously addressing:
Adults’ engagement and motivation by implementing self-awareness/evaluation tools, inclusive guidance and learning solutions supporting reflective, engaging and active behaviours; Trainers guidance and learning role empowerment: by adopting the new framework for Competences which are defined as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context.
Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. The project goes one step further or the results of the T4TEMP project and is dealing with the following main key competences:
- Personal, social and learning to learn;
- Citizenship;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Cultural awareness and expression and
- Digital.
The expected impact includes the following:
- Highlighting the importance of new key competences to the training of NEETs and the adult educators;
- The usefulness of these materials for educators, teachers, counselors, youth workers;
- Improve the position of NEETs in the labour market through the training on new key competences;
- Understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in European and beyond, as well as interconnections between formal, formal education, vocational training and other forms
- of learning and labour market respectively;
- Improve the quality of training material for educators, teachers, counselors, youth workers;
- Increase the professional competences of adult educators, teachers, counselors, youth workers;
- Strengthen the engagement of adult trainers;
- Improve the position and social perception of NEETs in the labour market and education;
- Improve the social and professional development of NEETs;
- Strengthening of occupational/career profiles of job seekers and young adult professionals;
- Increase motivation of NEETs (people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities) to learn by providing information on validation of non-formal & informal learning.
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- Ενίσχυση της Ίδρυσης και Λειτουργίας Νέων Μικρομεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων
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